Thursday 16 October 2008

Time off for good behaviour?

It is not easy to live as a Christian in the world today. Often the people that surround us and know that we claim to be followers of Christ are waiting for us to mess up. How we live our lives, the things we say, the things that are important to us and the way that we react to issues all show how serious we are about following Jesus. Is it enough just to be 'decent'? Do we need to be the type of people that are open, vibrant, challenging, energetic and people that others gravitate towards rather than be out off by our caustic personality. What things do we do that make people think that being a Christian is boring, full of rules and unfulfilling?

In the current bible study we will be looking at the way that Paul reckons we should be behaving. How do we live as Christians in the world today? This will also lead us into thinking about the attitiudes that the Christian should have in the next study.

When others look at us what do they see?

Have a good week!

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