Thursday 17 January 2008

Next network night - Sat 2nd Feb 7.30pm

Getting down when it counts

With reference to my last post on the site I thought I would continue the theme about prayer by quoting directly some text from Tony Campolo in the book Stand up and be counted (Page 128 Chapter 9) wrote this . . . . . .

Getting Down when it counts

Its up to us. Now. The means of seeing God’s will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven is on our hands, in our lives. But we can’t do it alone, as much as we’d like to. We need the help of our pastors, church leaders and others in positions of spiritual responsibility, for in some respects they are the ones who hold our destiny in their hands.

If we are going to be challenged as Christians and to challenge others too, we ought to pray for them, that they also will be open to what God would have them do. . . it’s the smaller, more intimate churches, where you know you’re a name and not a number where God is especially at work.

We need to pray for ourselves, our fellow church members and our church leaders, that with us they will catch the vision and help to further God’s kingdom on earth in our homes, on our streets, in our workplaces, in pubs – and in churches. The responsibility is awesome, for this is God’s work we are on, and this fact alone ought to cause us sober reflection and contemplation. Those who lead us in worship and head the ministry of God’s people have an incredible responsibility, for, as James warns, those who teach the word of God will be held more accountable for what happens to people than anyone else (James 3 v 1). For this reason alone we ought to pray and intercede for them, that when revival comes they aren’t just prepared but are also at the forefront of it.

In the Bible, the prophets arose because the people prayed for God to raise them up. When the children of Israel felt that they were living in a spiritual wasteland, they prayed that God would give them a prophet, and God answered they prayers. In Bible days, the revivial of a people and the renewal of the nation always began with prayer. Without prayer there were no prophets.

Its up to you!

Monday 7 January 2008

A New Year Prayer

Do you believe in revival? Do you actually believe that God can change lives? Do you believe that He can change people? Do you honestly think that He can bring people close to Him? Do you believe that this is an act of making them 'Christianised' or 'decent'? Do you believe that God wants to share His love, His power and His Grace with more people than just you and me? Do you REALLY believe in revival? So, what are YOU going to do to help start the ball rolling? Are you going to actually do something? It's time to stop all the talk. Its time to stop sitting on your hands. Its time to do something different - to do something that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. Its time to be part of the revival. Its time to believe that God wants to pour our His Grace and His Spirit over where we live and work. Stop making excuses. Start doing something.

It starts with a prayer. Use me. The second step is a prayer too. Be with me. The third step is action. GO with me!

If you REALLY believe that God wants to move in Northern ireland and in our local community - do something!

In Bible days, the revivial of a people and the renewal of the nation always began with prayer
(Tony Campolo)

Start to pray. On your own, in pairs, in groups and pray that God would move. In addition to the Prayer Meetings in the church we have also started to get together once a month on Sunday morning to pray for our church, our leaders and our community. Why dont you join us? First Sunday of every month in the Committee room at 10.30am. (Next is Sunday 3rd Feb 2008)